All about cookies

Privacy information for online users and cookie settings.

All about cookies

The company Turizem, Živa Vincetič s.p. is committed to protecting the privacy of its users.
Our website uses cookies. These are small files, often consisting of a unique set of numbers and letters. To get to know you when you return to our site, we'll upload them to your computer. With this, the website can remember some of your decisions (how to sort the search results, which language you have set up ...) and also monitor the number of visitors, your clicks, and the user experience so that we can constantly improve the performance of the page.

What cookies do we use?
  1. Cookies to store your preferred choices and settings
Cookies to save priority choices and settings that act as your identifier on the page. With these cookies, we also recognize your location and adjust the language setting. The data we collect with these biscuits is not passed on to third parties and we use them except for web site customizations, for our own purposes, for analysis and further improvements in content and functionality.
Cookie Name Description Expiration Time Company
TZV Language settings, the user identifier End of browser session (when accepted is valid for 1 year) Turizem, Živa Vincetič s.p.
sTZV Session identifier End of browser session Turizem, Živa Vincetič s.p.
cookie_accept Cookie consent End of browser session (when accepted is valid for 1 year) Turizem, Živa Vincetič s.p.
cookiesettinganalytics  Setting up cookies for analytical purposes 1 year Turizem, Živa Vincetič s.p.
cookiesettingtzv Cookie settings for priority choices and webpage settings 1 year Turizem, Živa Vincetič s.p.
  1. Cookies for analytical purposes
Cookies for recording and analyzing visit statistics and page clicks. For analytical purposes, we use the Google Analytics.
Cookie Name Description Expiration Time Company
_utma Website visitor statistics 2 years Google Analytics
_utmb Website visitor statistics 30 minutes Google Analytics
_utmc Website visitor statistics End of browser session Google Analytics
_utmt Website visitor statistics Till 1 day Google Analytics
_utmz Website visitor statistics 6 months Google Analytics

Management of cookies

According to electronic communications law the user has to accept the use of cookies on the website. The user can change his decision regarding the acceptation or declination on the use of cookies. Usually the changes can be made in the Browser Menu – Tools in the security and/or privacy section. There you can select which cookies you want to block.

The cookies can be also deleted. This can be done in your browser. You can delete them in the section Tools under “Clear browsing data” (you can also press CTRL + Shift + Del) and choose delete cookies. Some browsers also offer the possibility of do-not-track setting, which means that you generally decline the use of cookies.

Cookies settings

Do you agree to using the following cookies?
Cookies to store your preferred choices and settings
Don't agree
Cookies for analytical purposes
Don't agree