9. Night stairs run on Kalvarija hill
Traditional night run on 454 stairs to the top of Kalvarija hill
Vrbanska cesta 30 - vznožje Kalvarije
Zdrava zabava
A night run on Kalvarija hill is a traditional event - there are only 454 stairs to the top. Who will be the fastest there?.
The event is fee free, applications can be made on the day of the event one hour before the start of the race.
Mini Kalvarček – kids up to 7 years, (boys and girls) - shorter track
Kalvarček – kids between 7 and 11 years, (boys and girls) - shorter track
Senior Kalvarček – teenagers between 11 and15 years, to the top
Students (m/ž) – to the top Kalvarije
Woman – adults to the top - Kalvarije
Men – adults to the top - Kalvarije
Anyone who will participate in a run will receive a gift bag and a memorial medal!