Jakobski Dol
One day with e-bike
Vinogradništvo Mulec
Go on KULeBIKE tour with an electric bicycle, v taste the land on a plate and in a glass and bring a package of home-made delicacies back home.
With the purchase of the coupon MY KULeBIKE DAY, you get
- something good to eat and drink
- a package of home-made delicacies for "take away"
- FREE2 use of the electric bicycle for half a day
The package MY KULeBIKE DAY must be booked at least 24 hours in advance per e-mail on info@kulebike.si.
Z nakupom MOJ KULeBIKE DAN kupona dobiš
- nekaj dobrega za pojesti in popiti1
- paket domačih dobrot »za domov«
- GRATIS* poldnevno uporabo električnega kolesa
konzumacija 25,00 EUR
* obrok je potrebno naročiti pri ponudniku, kjer rezerviraš in prevzameš e-kolo, uporaba kolesa na dan pogostitve;
MOJ KULeBIKE DAN je potrebno rezervirati vsaj 24ur vnaprej, na ifo@kulebike.si!
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